15 C.S. Lewis Quotes About Friendship, Truth, and Connection

C.S. Lewis Quotes

“Things never happen the same way twice.” This well-loved C.S. Lewis quote reminds us how every moment and connection is unique. Such C.S. Lewis quotes are still famous today because they speak to the heart of what it means to be human, especially when it comes to friendship. In this collection of 15 quotes, you’ll find his timeless thoughts on truth, connection, and the bonds that bring us closer to each other, making each friendship truly one of a kind.

Here are the 15 most insightful C.S. Lewis Quotes

  1. “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.”

These C.S. Lewis quotes beautifully explain two universal pleasures, that is eating and reading. According to a recent survey, 65% of people enjoy reading while eating, showing that these simple joys often go hand in hand. Explore more C.S. Lewis quotes for timeless inspiration.

  1. “I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once.”

  1. “We are what we believe we are.”

C.S. Lewis Quotes

  1. “No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.”

The collection of C.S. Lewis quotes touches on the complex emotions of grief. Studies show that 71% of people experience physical symptoms similar to fear during grief.

  1. “We meet no ordinary people in our lives.”

  1. “One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts.”

C.S. Lewis Quotes

  1. “Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive.”

Did you know Lewis once debated with J.R.R. Tolkien about theology and philosophy during their famous literary meetings? These C.S. Lewis quotes are thought-provoking insights on life and human nature.

  1. “What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.”

  1. “Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose.”
C.S. Lewis Quotes

  1. “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”

These C.S. Lewis quotes inspire hope for the future. Lewis’s books have sold over 100 million copies worldwide. C.S. Lewis’s most famous book is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It’s the first and most well-known book in the Narnia series and has captivated readers of all ages with its enchanting tale.

  1. “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

  1. “Do not dare not to dare.”
C.S. Lewis Quotes

  1. “When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.”

It’s almost like life has a secret stash of surprises just waiting to compensate for every little misfortune. So, if you lose your keys, get ready for a surprise puppy or a winning lottery ticket—because that’s just how flawlessly balanced the universe is!

  1. “All get what they want; they do not always like it.”

  1. “No great wisdom can be reached without sacrifice.”

C.S. Lewis Quotes


We hope these C.S. Lewis Quotes on friendship, truth, and connection have inspired you. Which quote resonates with you the most? How do you see these themes in your own life? Follow our social media handles for more insightful quotes.

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Nandini M

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